Review - Carlita Jones “7 Day Refresher.”


Rene Relations “Seven Day Refresher” course is everything that invigorates your mind, spirit, and body. Offering a renewal that inspires you to grow, develop, and attack realistic goals to boost your self-development, relieve your stresses, and invoke self-love. This seven-day course is created for you to embrace yourself and come out feeling improved in every aspect of self. And by the course’s end, it achieves just that.

For the past seven days, I was able to participate and review the seven-day refresher course created by Carlita Jones, an all-around renaissance person, who specializes in a plethora of fields, including communications, and yoga, becoming a teacher in 2019. Jones, or CJ for short, has successfully created an impressive refresher course that inspires you to be the best version of you, offering healing messages, thoughtful journal exercises, and moderately challenging physical workouts. Each with the sole purpose of replenishing your body and stimulating your mind to breathe new life into you. During these seven days, I found myself challenged at times, stomped at others, and ultimately driven by the course's end.

The course begins with daily journaling along with daily activities. This aspect of the refresher brings forth enlightenment that I forgot existed within myself, as activities such as looking in the mirror for three minutes and talking to yourself will have you feeling as if you’re speaking to a long-lost friend.  These activities are therapeutic and execute with no flaw in their simplistic approach. You’ll find yourself appreciative of yourself and the course in general by the refresher’s end.

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The one key factor that allows this course to thrive is that CJ encourages you to work at your own pace. This aspect allows the course flexibility to be inclusive, and it comes across that way with little effort. Focusing on the physical portion of the course, If you have not worked out in a while, it can seem daunting at initial glance, you’ll however quickly realize that it's a necessary challenge and one that can be done with relative ease if done at your own pace. Each of the seven days elects to focus on a different workout targeting different aspects of the body. By the end, I felt better, hitting my set goal and ending wanting to revisit the peaceful 30-minute yoga intervals, hosted by CJ herself.

One of my favorite aspects of the course is CJ’s daily words of affirmation and personal power meditation, which occupy each of the seven days. Simply put, they’re a treat to listen to and are spiritually opening. You’ll find yourself looking forward to hearing these daily messages and looking to attack the day head-on after attending these power meditations.

By the refresher's end, you’ll find yourself appreciative of the seven-day refresher, as each aspect works to give you the boost of energy; physical, mental, or spiritual. This course can become a highlight of your day and will inspire you to grow in your overall self-development.

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You can sign up here!

Below is my daily journal.

So for this adventure it describes it as spiritual awakening or something like that. I told myself I would do that. I’m writing everything in my phone and just going for it as it goes.

• Step 1- Grab a journal to write in as much as possible. (After meditations, when you wake up, after you dream, etc.).

I really don't know what to write because this is just the beginning but like I'm confused. Maybe I should make some goals to go after. Okay, i have one major goal and two small goals. My one major goal out of these seven days is to escape depression. I've been very depressed as of late and as a result my sleeping habits have suffered a great deal from it. I dont sleep until 7 a.m., which is a bit worrisome. I want to escape depression, and for my two small goals, I want to adjust my sleeping habits and lose two pounds. I do feel these are obtainable goals. Let's begin. Also to note I’m currently 236

Day 1

The first thing was talking to myself for three minutes and I'll admit this was a the boost in confidence that I needed. I felt a shift in my Energy that was missing the entire day. It felt like a shift that I really cant explain but it was necessary. I feel proud of myself.

I was asked to journal about a time I was proud of myself and to be honest it's been a while since I was proud of myself. The most recent thing is how hard I worked to get my heart back on track. Earlier this year I almost died from congestive heart failure, but I was able to diet correctly and workout enough to get my heart back working to prime levels. I was scared, to be honest, I'm still scared but I know I've beaten it. I can and I will beat it again if need be. After nearly dying it like allows you to realize stuff not that bad anymore and you see just how close death really is. Its weird but funny in a way, in a motivating way.

I Listened to the Personal Power Meditation and I feel confident, I feel free. Its interesting because I entered this feeling stuck. Idk why but that feeling isnt there anymore. I feel open, honest and open.

Next is the workout portion and I'll admit, this kicked my ass. While I'm more on the heavyset side, I stuck to the basics, which provides a fast reminder of how tough pushups can be if you've neglected them for years. Between those and planks, I'm sure my aforementioned poor heart has several questions it wants me to answer.

Day 2
I woke up at 8:45. My arms are a little sore but nothing I'm not used to. In fact it makes me pretty happy to have that after workout morning soreness again. I used to get this after doing 6 sets of multiple upper body related workouts, now I'm sore from doing 30 pushups. That's.... troubling.

I started my day with a 60 second cold shower, which felt like hell. I will never do anything like this ever again as long as I live.

I was told to write down every emotion that I feel throughout the day and to be honest, today has been boring so far. Not much has happened but here’s a list of everything so far.


I felt the embarrassment by making a mistake in front of my niece. I tried singing, she promptly informed me that I was a terrible singer and should never do it. We both laughed at that.

CJ's daily messages are so welcoming and relaxing. I dont know if it's her voice or her words but either or can power you to anything. I was midway through the workout when I remembered her words. I felt rejuvenated. I felt new.

The workout on day 2 still feels like death. I am 236 pounds, so my workout will always be more difficult than the average person. Like, is this necessary. I want to get in shape but at what cost. Okay jokes aside, this wasn’t that bad. however It did kick my ass… again.

Day 3
This is the most relaxing day so far. I've been able to rest and I started the day by taking a relaxing bath. I will admit, it's been so long since I've taken a bath that it felt unusual. I'm a shower guy, so to take a bath was a nice change of pace. I felt like Rev. Run. on that one show he had

The next step was to eat a nourishing meal. For this I had a grilled chicken salad, a yogurt and a water. I genuinely feel like I can take on any challenges today.

After each message. I feel a new appreciation for life, for my love, for my body. I feel a new state of mind. My depression has certainly been gone, this feeling is closer to bliss.

Today’s physical activity was yoga flow and good lord, who knew yoga could be so challenging. My body feels far worse than the past two days but I want to do it again. Like at a point I had to take a small break to get myself together again, but I can tell when something is for me and this is def. for me.

I spent the rest of the day playing video games and talking on the phone like the mental teenager that I am.

Day 4
I feel grateful. I'm not sure why, but I just do. It's weird to try and explain but I feel positive for a reason I cant explain. I haven't looked at my curriculum yet, and I really want to do that yoga exercise from yesterday again because it was challenging but it felt rewarding to be honest. My mood feels... right.

Today I found solitude, I was alone with just emptiness. It felt interesting. Like at the moment I'm in one of those moods where I want company, but given where we are in the world, that's not likely. But while my mind feels that way, my body feels far better. I feel well rested and like I can go for a good exercise, followed by a good burger.

Right now I'm dealing with an uneasy emotion regarding my Romantic relationship with my significant other. I know this is the thing holding up my peacefulness. Solitude unfortunately isn't helping so I'm going to do the physical exercise to chill off.

I did the workout and I feel great but at the same time my body feels like chewed gum. I dont know if that's good or bad. I'm just going to shower it off now.

Day 5
I spent most of today babysitting my niece and nephews so I didnt have much time for gathering myself for rejuvenation. However, I feel far more at peace than normal. I feel at ease still, also really tired so I slept a little more than normal, even while on uncle duty.

Reading the law of detachment I've realized how much I've let go of. How many times I've been borderline obsessive with things only to let go. At the moment i couldnt think of anything that needs letting go, but i was reminded of the things I've let exit my life or things I've cut off.

It reminds me of this girl, an ex-friend and to be honest an ex-lover. We weren't the closest, and we fell out pretty hard, however we reconnected again this year and I felt our friendship was building back up, until we fell out again, however this falling out felt different. In order for me to tell this story, I have to tell the story of our first falling out

The first falling out, I felt it wasnt my choice, so I became obsessed with getting over her, I did everything in my power to let her name exit my mind, but it never happened. It was an intrusive thought, one that I loathed. Her name because synonym for poison to me and to this day, I'm not exactly sure how I got over her, but I did. Maybe I can attribute that to the old phrase, time heals all wounds.

But this second falling out was different, in a good way. I felt no errors were made. I felt no bag was left behind or no thoughts were incomplete. It felt definitive and necessary. This is the detachment that comes to mind after reading the Law of Detachment.
The detachment with her came at a time where I felt more complete in myself. The first falling out I had far too many errors and imbalances within my life. I felt my relationship with her could be the thing to make me whole. This second falling out, I feel that I'm in a much better position comfort wise in my life. I feel at balance and at peace.

The workout this time was far easier. I really enjoy the yoga and I intend on watching these videos far more, once these seven days are complete. Like I really want to do this on a regular, once this virus hits the bricks.

Its challenging, but my body needs challenge. It needs change, this helps far more than even I realize.

Day 6, I had a massive headache all day. Today was really tough so I couldn't get much done.  I tried to do the workout but it simply wasnt working.  Anything outside the immediate vicinity of my area was a no-go. However I could still do the first part despite the screen of my phone hurting my eyes.

I was asked today to create a list of my favorite things and to be honest, I really do love and appreciate a lot of stuff. To start with my friends, my very bestfriends, Jeremiah, Dre, Terran, Brittany, Jordan and Tikeya. I love them a lot and they've seen me grow into the man I am today. Jeremiah is my friend of 30 years now and that's still mind boggling to me.

I love food. That's easily one of my favorite things for obvious reasons. Another one of my favorite things is feeling progress, during this seven day refresh, I've felt amazing. I feel like I've achieved progress in my mental and physical being.
Also one of my favorite things hobby wise is writing, playing music, and video games. Can't go wrong with either of those.

Speaking about the sweet spot of things, the video that came with today's refreshing class, I understand the point she was making throughout the video, however this headache made it nearly impossible to follow along. At times she spoke too fast and as a result I felt like I've missed a million things.

The message for today was to do something that makes my heart smile and I did. I played video games. That always makes my heart smile, I feel good having done so. Not only playing a game, but winning at the game. That's such an AMAZING feeling. I can't explain why, it just is.

Today's meditation is a great reminder of the things I should be happy to have in life. Two feet, two arms, great health. Earlier this year I nearly died, now I can workout with little issues. I feel blessed, I feel fortunate to have the advantages in life that I do have. A home, a car, friends, knowledge.. it's all wonderful and something I really cant take for granted, but I should remain grateful for.

Day 7
I began today by taking myself on a date around downtown Detroit. Just driving around the city to see the beautiful scenery. I have to admit, just driving around while playing my favorite music is relaxing, its peaceful and I really should do it more. I wanted to drive around royal oak as well but I decided against it. I went to my sister house instead to workout and makeup for my missed workout yesterday. A hour on the treadmill was light but felt decent once I finished.

I was tasked with writing a six-word poem about myself and here we go.

"Your goals do not define you."

I have to tell myself that because prior to this I equated my goals to happiness. A part of me still does this but not as much. I feel like I can accomplish far more without the sacrifice of my mental health of my happiness.

Unfortunately I couldn't drink the heart chakra smoothie because, well... didnt get to it in time to buy ingredients to be completely honest.

However, I did buy myself something nice. I purchased some food, I went grocery shopping and had a great time. Putting on music and just shopping is very therapeutic to me. Its calming and by the end you can eat the food you purchased. It was a nice treat to myself.

I was scared to hit the scale because I’ve had a bit of a piss poor diet these past 6 days. I’m currently 232, which even took me by surprise. Not sure what changed but I feel great. The sleeping thing has been all over the place, but that’s expected to be honest, that’s always been my habit.

I feel really good. Not sure how to end this journal, maybe I’ll post it on the blog.


Album - "Joey Tre' “What The Heart Needs”


Single - Lamia “Your Arms”