Review - Morgan Makail “Keeping Me.”


Morgan Makail’s single “Keeping Me” Is a beautiful display of a love-smitten artist expressing her appreciation for her lover and the ability to love. As vocally, she oozes an essence that’s reminiscent of a sweet aroma associated with your favorite candle. Instrumental-wise, this song is guided by a chord-driven piano and simplistic drums, creating an intimate and sweetly appreciative song.

Vocally Makail is stellar as she displays harmonic pleasantries that can stand toe-to-toe with your favorite singers. With the combination of the candid and bare instrumentation, this song provides an aura near velvet in its ease of digest, creating an exhilarating R&B track.

This song is soul-mate empowering and Makail, who I recently married herself, adds another layer of truth behind her verbal painting as the authenticity shines bright as her joy radiates throughout the song’s thematic energy.

By the track’s end, you’ll appreciate either your partner or like Makail, appreciate love, for love’s sake.

You can listen to the song here.


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