Review - Asaka The Renegade “The Heart Theory”


Asaka, as an emcee, has always held the qualities one would prefer in their favorite artist. He has sharp ingenuity, very clever, slick when necessary, and versatile enough to remain interesting with every release. With his latest EP, “The Heart Theory.” Asaka displays each of these qualities in spades, showcasing his ability to deliver both, harmonic versatility and impressive lines.

“The Heart Theory,” in a nutshell, is Asaka’s review of his prior romantic rendezvous, Capturing much of what has become the Detroit native’s calling card, as he offers a plethora of Instagram caption quotable’s on every song. Functioning as a savant of delivering communicate insight on relationships, situationships, and sexcapades alike.

The strong points of “The Heart Theory” come in Asaka’s ability to fill up space vocally, as he utilizes harmonies early and often to serve as both; lines and instrumentation. This is evident in songs such as the Sam Watson assisted “Us Ting.” a fun-flirtatious track that has a Jamaican-accented Asaka singing. “No long talk come through, me na wan no one but you.”

Throughout the EP, Asaka does a fantastic job of never doing too much, allowing each track to work for him, never working too hard to force a line or a melody to fit. With features from artist MLB Nate, Nashad Davis, and the aforementioned Sam Watson, each artist helps the EP feel progressive towards completing the EP’s overarching theme of discussing love, vague memories, or the occasional fun time.

By the EP’s conclusion, you’ll find this project to be chalked with songs designed to offer straight-to-the-point lyrics, filled with emotionally relatable themes that are fun at times, and heart-heavy when necessary, “The Heart Theory” if anything, a great addition to the always-growing Asaka catalog.


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