Project Review - Ivahka Glass “4mys3lf.”

Watching an artist perform is a captivating experience. You’re watching the passion of a being in their truth, expressing a breath of youthful energy and rebellious carelessness to the rest of the world. Their art is the only experience that matters at that moment. This energy is much of the case for Ivahka Glass, who performed a released a rough copy of her upcoming EP 4mys3lf.

Ivahka’s ep 4mys3lf., officially set to release this December, features her unique sound that delivers high vibrato, rough auto-tuned acoustics, and ear-catching lyrics. What concludes is a brief ep that introduces new fans to the Ypsilanti native, leaving you to wonder about the true potential of the songwriter.

The sense of familiarity in the way she introduces this project is nostalgic. She performs as if it’s a ruckus crowd of 10,000 rabid fans clamoring at her feet. She’s eccentric, and the music is all-true to form in its originality. Song topics range from discussing the everyday hangouts with friends to the dire stresses that accompany the life of a bleeding-heart artist. The one feeling throughout this project is that it’s organic, and every word that she speaks comes from hard-earned wisdom.

Calling the production of this album a highlight, would be an understatement as producer Nvki makes every track feel personally produced to fit Ivahka’s unique style of artistry. Whether it’s the occasional shaky voice that comes with her erratic movement or the halted breathing that resembles someone amid an argument, the production feels as if it was prepared for each of these moments and creates a web of sounds that protects these otherwise performance regularities.

The beauty lay in the simplicity of Ivahka’s rollout and unique sound. Performing to an audience of you, inside a simple bedroom, only fitted with a used queen-sized mattress. There were no fanciful tricks – just true-to-life songwriting over solid production, delivering what many could consider a brand of sing-song rapping. Her talents are delivered throughout the 15-minute performance.

While the EP will release next month, you can watch the live performance here.


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