Single Review -"Ready to Work” by Joey Tre’

Joey Tre’ is an artist bearing the burden of potential. Having a good singing voice, rapping talent, an ear for beats, and a unique style that fans can naturally gravitate towards, Tre has the potential to become one of the all-time greats. In contrast, time will tell if that comes to fruition. His latest single, "Ready to Work," if nothing else, is a step in the correct direction of that hypothetical potential.

Tre', at his core, is authentic. Maybe I've said that before, but when it comes to him as an artist, that's a common theme that shines brightest in his subject matter, excitement, and delivery. 

"Ready to Work" highlights this audio-actual with Tre', normally a spitfire emcee, taking a measured R&B approach, singing his way through the track, adjuring listeners to put work ethic and faith above all. 

Lyrically, one would not fault Tre’ for sticking to R&B formalities and writing about love, loss, or other traditional sing-song concepts. However, Tre manages to do the near impossible of making an R&B track lyrical and religiously inspirational. 

While he is not the first to do this, his execution highlights that he can be a potential R&B star, given his underrated voice and passion for heartfelt delivery. 

The production on this track is yet another testament to Tre's ear for beats, his greatest musical glow-up. Without harping on his past production decision-making, it is easier to argue that this song goes within the upper echelon of Tre’ beats. To summarize the beat, there is no fat. Every sound, every moment, and every drum serves a purpose. 

You can't shift, change, or delete any aspect of this production, and that's as clear-cut a fantastic beat as you can ask without suffering from unnecessary audio nuisance. 

Tre' takes full advantage of this production blessing by harmonizing, humming, and crafting his way to a single that's fun for being just that, a single. During the track, Tre' boldly announces that he's building a classic of an album. Given his last project, What The Heart Needs, released in 2020, we will see if his words ring true after four years of preparation. 

You can hear Joey Tre's latest single here! 


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